Who is Cate & Paige Designs

Cate & Paige Designs is mainly myself, Janelle Watkins, with some great behind-the-scenes people e.g. my family. 

Cate & Paige Designs was born after my photography business was being lost in my market business.  You maybe wondering where the name "Cate & Paige Designs" comes from?  Well, this is my children's middle names and the Designs is what we do...we design things for you to enjoy!

So originally, Markets were the way I could mainly sell my products, with a few sales on Facebook as well. But when COVID-19 hit, Markets stopped and I pushed and pushed to have my items on show for all to see.  I have been lucky to setup a little shop in shared space and as long as I have the support of my items being sold, I do not have to wake up early to attend Markets anymore!

"Why start up a website" I can hear you saying?  Some people like to shop at all time of the day and night and hopefully this will help those people to still look and purchase our items, if I am not contactable at the time.  I will be starting off slowly but hopefully with the support from you all, this website will really take off.